Our all-female cycling club welcomes vibrant young women aged 18 and older, who seek breath-taking adventures, are enthusiastic about conquering monstrous challenges, open to exploring new terrains, dedicated to maintaining fitness, and passionate about promoting educational advancement and social impact.

It’s an exciting quest from Pedals to Impact. Let’s Ride to Elevate underserved communities in Africa.

Become a member today and unlock a world of cycling adventures, impact, friendships, and wellness.

Membership Types

Professional Members

This category is designated for individuals who are either in the early, mid, or advanced phases of their careers and are actively pursuing and building their expertise or making significant strides within their professional domain across various industries.

Student Members

This category is for students currently pursuing a degree or any related studies at the tertiary level (Bachelors, Masters, PhD.). Each student member pays an initial enrollment fee between $10 and $35 as well as an annual subscription fee between $8 and $25.

Membership Fees

Initial Enrollment Fee

    • Student Members – $ 30
    • Professional Members – $ 75

Annual Membership Renewal

    • Student Members – $ 20
    • Professional Members – $ 50